Quality at Ampliqon

Ampliqon is ISO 9001 certified, which give our customers some important benefits. The focus areas of ISO 9001 are the customers, customer satisfaction, continuous improvements of the processes and of the quality management system.

At Ampliqon we are proud of our quality management system and we understand the importance of following the ISO 9001 quality standards when manufacturing, developing and supplying reagents for the chemical and molecular biology laboratory.

Your benefits due to our ISO 9001 quality management system:

  • Short production times due to optimized and well-organized processes
  • Trained, competent and highly qualified personnel
  • Stable and reliable products due to quality control testing and ongoing product development
  • Good product support
  • Fully documented processes
  • Effective change control, deviation and CAPA management

If you are interested in knowing more about the quality management at Ampliqon – feel free to contact us.

Bureau Veritas