Safety considerations for chemical reagents

Chemical reagents are classified according to their hazardous nature, such as being flammable, harmful, toxic, irritant, corrosive, hazardous when decomposed during storage or dangerous for the environment. Many reagents consist of a combination of such hazards.

Ampliqon labels and Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are created using the latest available information. However, in some cases data are not available or hazards are yet to be found. Be aware that even if there is no description of hazards on a reagent label or reagent MSDS, one should not assume that it is safe to handle. This is particularly true in the case of a new reagent, which for example has only been made in a small scale and therefore has not been fully investigated.

Hazardous reagents must be handled carefully and appropriate safety measures must be taken.

Initially, we recommend treating all reagents as potentially hazardous and to follow precautionary procedures:

  • Read the description on the label before use, and put any required safety measures into practice. If the description mentions no danger or toxicity, you should still handle the product carefully.
  • Refer to the MSDS and use safety measures according to the characteristics of the reagent.
  • Wear suitable protective equipment and handle with caution.
  • Our reagents must be handled by qualified personnel. Inexperienced users should be adequately supervised and trained before handling the reagents.
  • Handling of chemical waste or old reagents must be according to the relevant regulations.